First Ultrasound During Pregnancy: When To Do First Pregnancy Scan

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First Ultrasound During Pregnancy: When To Do First Pregnancy Scan

Know about the When Do You Get Your First Ultrasound? Your provider will choose when your first ultrasound should be scheduled. Some people get an early ultrasound, sometimes known as a first-trimester ultrasonic or dating ultrasonic. Early on in pregnancy, this can occur seven to eight weeks along. Early ultrasonic waves are sent through your vagina by providers—transvaginal ultrasounds. Early ultrasounds achieve the following:

  1. Verify pregnancy by noting a heartbeat.
  2. Look for several fetuses.
  3. Find out the fetus's size.
  4. Help validate due date and gestational age.
  5. Some doctors do your first ultrasonic scan at twelve weeks along in pregnancy.