6 UI/UX Trends to Watch Out for in 2024

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The field of UX/UI is a really unpredictable and volatile one.

The field of UX/UI is a really unpredictable and volatile one. User preferences are constantly changing and if you really wish to make your online platform stand out you need to work on providing the best user experience possible.

Both the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) play a vital role in the success or failure and thus the visibility of a website or business.

You can hire the best SEO services company in Dubai to optimize your website for better SERP rankings. But it is still of no use if the user finds your website interface poor or difficult to navigate.

So to make sure your website’s layout and interface are up to the recent standards this article takes you through six of the most popular UI/UX trends that every successful business is currently using.

Let’s jump right into it and see what these trends are:

Deconstructed Hero Sections

A hero section is a large banner that is typically the first thing you see when you visit the homepage of a website.

Recently the deconstructed hero section trend has been on the rise which is characterized by content snippets & bold typography along with unaligned images on the top of the homepage.

This UI/UX trend develops intrigue & curiosity by questioning the conventional designs and their effectiveness which leads to increased user engagement.


Reinventing the Cursor

This trend involves changing the cursor so that it has more interactive elements as well as enhanced functionalities. You can find many websites with redesigned cursors that can morph themselves or change backgrounds when hovering over a certain area.

You can make your cursor experience better by enlarging certain elements or changing the shape or color of the background that is right below the cursor. This increases user engagement by allowing them to find what they need quickly and easily.


Immersive UI through AR/VR

Both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have revolutionized UI and UX practices. Tools like Apple Vision Pro, Meta Wayfarer, & Meta Quest Pro are just a few examples of how far we have come in terms of user and interface interactions. 

The use of AR and VR has enabled really immersive interactions in terms of gaming or simple internet browsing and navigation. This is why you need to add as many AR/VR elements to your online platform as you possibly can to get the maximum engagement. A digital marketing agency in Dubai, UAE can leverage AR/VR to engage relevant industry clients in a better way. 


Air Gesture Control

You can further improve UI/UX by adopting the air gesture control trend. Adding these features enhances user experience significantly by eliminating the need to touch their mobile screens to perform different tasks.

By allowing users to interact with online websites and mobile apps by making simple movements of their device in the air you give them both more control and convenience.



This is another fun trend that has dominated the UI/UX area. The main idea here is to add certain interactive elements that encourage a user to take a certain action and then give them rewards upon completing it.

Gamification makes users feel like they are engaged in a fun activity rather than a boring chore when they navigate your website. Some important gamification elements include quizzes, challenges, badges, & rewards.

You can utilize this trend to encourage users to give their personal contact & demographic information which helps in your marketing efforts.



This trend involves giving users subtle animations that provide them with visual feedback. These microinteractions can help users navigate your website better & direct their attention to certain sections to increase engagement.

Some examples of these interactions include highlighting a button or text when the user hovers over it. It can also be in the form of an emoji appearing when you click on a button. You can also do this by creating an interesting loading icon when the user makes a request or submits a form. 



As a business looking to increase online customer engagement and boost conversions your goal should be to give your users a UI/UX that they will love coming back to.

You need to stay updated when it comes to the recent UI/UX trends and make adjustments to your website and mobile apps accordingly.

This will help you stay ahead of the curve and avoid losing traffic and potential business only because you failed to provide a quality user experience.       

