Crypto Advertising Strategy: How to Target Crypto Users through Ads

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An AI-based ad networking firm called 7Search PPC was established in 2016. Over 20 million unique visitors and a staggering 1 billion impressions per month are attracted to 7Search PPC. Over 20,000 campaigns are currently being launched on Bitmedia by 5,000 cryptocurrency-based websites.

In the ever-evolving digital advertising landscape, the crypto industry has emerged as a powerful niche with a dedicated and engaged user base. As cryptocurrencies gain mainstream attention, the need for effective crypto advertising strategies becomes more crucial. This blog explores the world of crypto advertising through 7Search PPC, offering valuable insights and practical tips on how to target crypto users through ads effectively.


Cryptography is used by cryptocurrencies to protect transactions and regulate the generation of new units. Since they have the ability to completely alter the way we trade value and carry out transactions, cryptocurrencies have grown in popularity and received more media coverage in recent years. However, marketing crypto-related projects and services can be challenging, especially since many mainstream platforms have imposed restrictions or bans on crypto ads.


Fortunately, there are dedicated crypto advertising platforms that can help you reach your target audience and grow your crypto business. These platforms focus on bringing together cryptocurrency publishers and advertisers and provide a range of ad formats, services, and advantages to meet your requirements and objectives.

Why Target Crypto Users through Ads?


Targeting crypto users through ads can help you achieve various benefits, such as:

  • Increase brand awareness: By displaying your ads on relevant websites, apps, or social media channels that cater to the crypto audience, you can increase your brand visibility and recognition among potential customers who are interested in cryptocurrencies and blockchain.


  • Drive traffic: By creating compelling and engaging ads that capture the attention and curiosity of crypto users, you can drive them to visit your website or app, where you can showcase your products or services, and convert them into leads or customers.


  • Generate conversions: By offering value propositions, incentives, or solutions that appeal to the needs and pain points of crypto users, you can persuade them to take action, such as signing up, downloading, purchasing, or subscribing to your products or services.


  • Build trust and loyalty: By providing quality content, information, or education that helps crypto users learn more about your project or service, you can build trust and credibility among your audience, and foster long-term relationships and loyalty.


Best Crypto Advertising Platforms in 2023


1. 7Search PPC

7Search PPC allows you to use ad extensions to provide additional information in your ads. Consider using site link extensions to direct users to specific pages on your website, callout extensions to showcase unique selling points, and structured snippet extensions to highlight different aspects of your offerings. To create a win-win situation, consideration should also be given to the crypto advertising standing, trustworthiness, and payment history. 7Search PPC provides tools for tracking conversions. Implement conversion tracking to monitor how effective your ads are at driving desired actions, such as sign-ups, purchases, or downloads. 


2. Bitmedia

Bitmedia is another leading crypto advertising network that delivers high-quality traffic and conversions for crypto businesses. Since its establishment in 2014, it has delivered more than 9 billion impressions and more than 12 million clicks.


3. Adshares

Adshares is a unique crypto casino ads that leverages blockchain technology

to create a decentralized and transparent ad network.


4. CoinTraffic

CoinTraffic is another popular and reliable crypto ad network that has been operating since 2014. It has partnered with over 400 crypto websites and blogs and has promoted over 1,000 crypto projects and services.

5. CoinAd

CoinAd is a crypto marketing agency that specializes in banner ads. Since its founding in 2012, it has generated more than 15 million clicks and supplied over 10 billion impressions.



In the world of digital advertising, targeting crypto users through 7Search PPC can be a rewarding endeavor. With a thorough understanding of your audience, well-researched keywords, captivating ad copy and designs, and effective targeting and bidding strategies, you can position your brand for success in the rapidly expanding crypto market.

Remember, the crypto space is dynamic and highly competitive, so staying up-to-date with industry trends and continually optimizing your crypto advertising strategy is key to achieving the best results. By harnessing the power of crypto PPC advertising in the crypto world, you can reach the right audience at the right time, ultimately driving success for your business in this exciting and ever-evolving industry.



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