Child Therapy Broward County

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Children are similar to adults in that they experience stress

Children are similar to adults in that they experience stress, frustration, and disappointment. Recent studies suggest that parents underestimate the amount of stress in their children’s lives (APA Stress Survey: child therapy broward county are more stressed than parents realize). The thoughts and feelings associated with life challenges may lead child to display social, emotional, behavioral problems. Some warning signs that your child may be having problems include: a drop in grades, school conduct referrals, social, withdrawal, moodiness, unrealistic worry and engagement in high risk behaviors such as alcohol with drug use. Parents who want to discover why their child acts out can seek answers from a caring child therapist at our practice. We provide an understanding and supportive environment that enables a child to speak freely about his or her fears, feelings, and emotions and help you to discover the root causes of social, emotional, and behavioral problems and replace them with positive coping skills.
