Smith was attempting to counter a common misconception

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Leaf has done an amazing task of becoming a positive role model in recent times. He promotes sobriety on his Twitter page and also mentors young adults as an ambassador of the Transcend Recovery program.

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Does Mayfield have confidence like Leaf did? Yep. Did he have a run-in against the law? Sure, in the 2016 offseason, he was arrested for three misdemeanors: the escape of arrest, public intoxication, and disorderly behavior.

But not every prospect has to be placed in the same spot as another player due to similarities. We've also heard Mayfield compared to Johnny Manziel, which is just on two levels. If these comparisons continue, it's pretty easy to conclude that Mayfield's football career will end just like Manziel's.

But that leap, much like Leaf's Leaf makes, might not be that fair. Mayfield's bravado isn't an indication of a career about to go off the track.What's the reason Miami airport employees are fasting in the name of protest in Super Bowl week

"Our members earn a living," Madden NFL 23PA executive director DeMaurice Smith told workers protesting at the Miami airport on Monday morning. "They're the ones who tear their backs. They're also the ones who cut their hands, they're the ones who actually work. We're labor. They're management, we're labor."

Smith was attempting to counter a common misconception: that unions for athletes don't have the same kind of solidarity as unions that are larger and comprise lower-income laborers, like healthcare workers' unions, teacher's unions or in the case in the case of UNITE HERE -- the union that is behind the protesttransportation, hospitality and manufacturing workers from across the country. He spoke out in buy mut coins madden 23 support the UNITE HERE's current public escalation, a six-day fast in the Miami Airport by airline catering workers who have been fighting for fair pay and healthcare for more than a year.
