Reasons Why You Should Have Sex - Right Now!

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The hormone prolactin, which can induce sleep and make you feel comfortable, is released during orgasms, according the National Sleep Foundation.

Want to improve your mood, improve your complexion, and reduce your chance of developing cancer, heart disease, and other health problems? The solution is not in a miracle pill; rather, it is hidden between your sheets. That's correct, a little love may improve your health in a variety of unexpected ways.


Numerous studies have been done demonstrating how sex is good for your health. The majority of them concern getting orgasmic. Nobody is claiming that doing something requires a companion.


This is an unusual sexual advice for those without a committed partner: Self-gratification has sex advantages, particularly those that are directly connected to experiencing a satisfying orgasm. Therefore, whether you're dating or single, have a look at this list of beneficial side effects of regular sex:


Better Heart Health - Sex Is Exercise, Yes


Healthy sex is beneficial for your heart, just like any form of exercise. According to a research that appeared in the American Journal of Cardiology in January 2015, men who had sex at least twice a week were at lower risk of cardiovascular conditions including heart attacks and stroke than men who only had sex once a month or less.

And for those who are concerned that the effort involved in having sex poses a risk to their heart, having sex is safe for those who can exercise without experiencing any heart issues for three to five metabolic equivalents, according to the American Heart Association's Scientific Statement on Sexual Activity and Cardiovascular Disease (METs). The energy (calories) used up during an activity is measured in METs. Exercise at 3 METs is comparable to brisk strolling, whereas exercise at 5 METs is comparable to a low-intensity aerobic workout.

Even for menstrual cramps, sweet pain relief


Even just staring at your lover, or even a picture of them, might make you feel better. Anesthesiologists at Stanford University in California gave participants pictures of their love partners or pictures of beautiful strangers or asked them to participate in a word game in a different research that was conducted there and was published in PLoS One. They discovered that gazing at love interests greatly masked the pain. Consider the following a sex advantage even if you might believe that pain prevents sex: Give your partner a long, hard stare.


According to other research, having an enjoyable orgasm may help women who are experiencing menstrual cramps.


Decreased Stress and Blood Pressure


By increasing endorphins and other chemicals that improve mood, sex can reduce stress. It can also serve as a type of calming exercise. A Scottish research that was published in the journal Biological Psychology also discovered that engaging in sexual activity lowers blood pressure during stressful situations. Although this impact was more prominent in those who engaged in penetration-based sex, masturbation and non-penetrative sex can both promote calmness.


Potentially Lowering the Risk of Prostate Cancer


Men who ejaculate more than 21 times per month, as opposed to those who do so four to seven times per month, are 20% less likely to acquire prostate cancer, according to a research published in December 2016 in the journal European Urology. It seems that males who ejaculate frequently may lower their risk of prostate cancer, while additional study is required to establish this association.

Better Sleep plus: Enhanced Sexual Appetite

The hormone prolactin, which can induce sleep and make you feel comfortable, is released during orgasms, according the National Sleep Foundation. Therefore, don't be alarmed if you and your lover fall asleep soon after a fulfilling session and wake up feeling rejuvenated. This relationship between sleep and the following: A 2015 research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that obtaining adequate sleep can boost your sexual response and may raise the likelihood that you'll have sex more frequently. Women who slept for longer lengths of time reported having more sexual desire the following day, according to researchers.


In our book – The Erotic Journey of the Seven Graduates, our grads have sexual activities all the time whenever they can! And that’s how it should be.
