Take off The Jets have reason to be optimistic

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Take off The Jets have reason to be optimistic

If the season were to end on Tuesday, the Jets would be the eighth seed in the Western Lou Gehrig Jersey Conference.

Of course, the season doesnt end on Tuesday, because its early December and 28 games isnt enough to determine the best teams in the NHL.


But more than a quarter of the way through the season, the Jets are hanging around with 33 points, the same number as the defending champion Kings, and more than the Sharks; Wild; everyones favorite sleeper, the Stars; and last years surprise team, the Avalanche.

The Jets still have a long way to go to make the dance this spring. However, its still worth looking whether this nice start is backed up by the numbers or whether it could be demolished by regre sion at some point *coughCalgarycough*.

The Jets have a Fenwick For percentage of. Thats better than the Ducks, Stars, Kings, Sharks and far ahead of the Flames, who are all the way down at 46.0 (27th in the league). So the Jets arent a terrible po se sion team thats a good start.

Of course, FF% isnt the be- Alex Rodriguez Jersey all-end-all. Last season , albeit with a lower number of 50.5. Thats also *not* terrible. They mi sed the playoffs by seven points, anyway.

But FF% only gives a partial picture. Losing teams may have better po se sion numbers than their true talent level, because of score effects leading teams will cede po se sion to be a little sturdier in their defensive end and the Jets spent a whole lot of time behind in 2013-14,

Last year, the Jets had a that was 18th in the league. Down by one goal, they had a FF of 52.6, which was 20th in the league, and trailed . Down by two or more? Winnipeg had the second best mark in the league at 60.0, though at least they were 21st in minutes spent trailing by Andy Pettitte Jersey that amount. Still, that inflated their FF number a bit.

This year, Winnipegs . The Jets have spent the second fewest minutes in the league trailing by a Thurman Munson Jersey goal and 13th-most down by two goals. In other words, theyre better when the game is within reach.

The game is in reach more frequently too. Winnipeg has played the 14th most minutes in close situations. Ithasalso spent the , though its FF% checks in at 45.8, 17th in the league. The Jets have led by one goal in the league this year, and have a FF% of 47.8 thats 13th in the league.

Getting better goaltending also helps. Last year, Ondrej Pavelec had a .908 even-strength save percentage in 57 games. Given all that playing time, Pavelec was arguably the least valuable goalie in the league last year.

This season, he's got a .923 mark in 22 games. Thats going from one of the leagues worst goalies to slightly above average a huge difference for any team. Whether Pavelec can keep it up is another story, of course outside of 2010-11 with Atlanta, hes never been very good.

The Jets other goalie, Michael Hutchinson, has a .953 even-strength save percentage New York Yankees in nine games this season, but has playedjust 12 games total in his NHL career.The Jets might be wise to look into a low-cost backup who could step in if Pavelecs bubble bursts and/or Hutchinson struggles with more playing time.

And Winnipeg is still a team with flaws. The power play is lousy, just as it was last year, with a Luis Severino Jersey scoring rate of 13 percent (27th in the league). It has a good penalty kill, 84.1 percent (No. 8) but has had to use it more than anyone else.

But theres reason to be optimistic here. If the Jets can keep these numbers up, we may be saying "Winnipeg is in the playoffs" on the day the season actually ends.
