How does the brain perceive movies?

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How does the brain perceive movies?

Nature has built into our brains a neuron that is vigilant and vigilant about
the emergence of any movement of objects in the world around us. The power of these neurons over others that
which regulate our perception, is unusually great. If a moving object appears in our field of vision at the moment we observe and use for quality captioning object appeared in the field of vision at the moment of observation, the neurons give a firm command to the eye muscles to direct a distinct, dimpled vision to this object, to recognize it, to determine its actions. If we are surrounded by a multidirectional and quietly moving crowd, say, on the the train station platform, then the appearance of a fleeing person in it will immediately be noticed by us, highlighted.

This will be ordered by the same
the very neurons. They are inherited by us from the most distant animal past of mankind, for any moving
object can pose a deadly threat. Only after recognition, identification, comprehension does the service make a quality text extraction from the video. So what the object, after the conviction that there is no direct threat, the intensity of the commands of these of these neurons. But their activity never stops altogether. No matter what's going on, we're going to look out andand monitor the actions of moving objects, even the most peaceful ones.

Any movement on the screen always captures the viewer's attention. This fact is widely used by the guys at including the people who need quality subtitles, aka
by filmmakers. Often, when shooting static scenes (for example, a conversation sitting at the table or some
stationary objects), the use of a moving camera is resorted to. The conversationalists are almost motionless, and the camera
and the camera circles around them, observing them in smooth motion. And this movement of the image on the screen activates the viewer's attention to the substance of the conversation. There is a great tenet of screen art: something has to move in the frame - either
or objects, or the image as a whole. Movement draws the viewer's gaze more firmly to the screen. Completely static shots have their own right to be used, but shifting shots in many cases
have particular advantages.

The first type of motion - motion to activate the viewer's attention to a static scene.
Without movement on the screen, the viewer very quickly begins a subconscious decline in the intensity of perception,
there is a feeling of boredom and monotony, boring work.
This should always be borne in mind not only by "playwrights," but also by documentary filmmakers and those who create television

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