Herpesyl Reviews: What Results Can Customers Truly Expect?

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Herpesyl Reviews: What Results Can Customers Truly Expect?


Herpesyl Reviews: What Results Can Customers Truly Expect?


Herpesyl is a nutritional supplement that claims to reverse herpes quickly.

By taking Herpesyl daily, you can purportedly help your body defend itself against the herpes virus. The supplement claims to quickly stop cold sore outbreaks and other herpes symptoms, allowing you to resume unprotected sexual activity without worrying about spreading herpes.

Does Herpesyl really work? Or is it yet another herpes cure scam? Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about Herpesyl and its effects.

What is Herpesyl?

Herpesyl is a dietary supplement sold through Herpesyl for $70 per bottle.

The makers of Herpesyl describe their formula as something that “could be the biggest breakthrough in all the recent medical history.” The company claims to have effectively discovered a cure for herpes.

Instead of patenting this cure and making billions of dollars from pharmaceutical companies, the team decided to sell the formula as a supplement for $70. Today, anyone can buy Herpesyl online without a prescription through Herpesyl to enjoy fast, easy, and permanent relief from herpes symptoms.

The Herpesyl sales page is filled with people who claim to have permanently cured their condition after using Herpesyl.

One Herpesyl customer claims he has tested his blood multiple times since taking Herpesyl, and doctors have found zero traces of the herpes virus. For all intents and purposes, this man and others on the Herpesyl sales page have cured themselves of herpes after taking Herpesyl.

Obviously, you should be skeptical any time a supplement claims to cure an incurable condition. There’s no known cure for herpes. It’s a serious medical condition that many learn to live with. Nevertheless, the makers of Herpesyl claim you’ll never have to worry about herpes symptoms again after taking their formula.


How Does Herpesyl Work?

Herpesyl was created by a doctor named Dr. Adrian Kavanagh. Dr. Kavanagh claims his formula will “completely kill the herpes virus” within a few weeks of taking Herpesyl for the first time.

Dr. Kavanagh and his team market Herpesyl exclusively to people with herpes, advertising the supplement as a way to quickly eliminate all herpes symptoms while removing the herpes virus from your body.

Dr. Kavanagh’s recommended treatment plan for herpes is to take Herpesyl for six months. By taking six bottles of Herpesyl over a six-month period, you can purportedly eliminate the herpes virus from your symptom. You will experience noticeable relief from herpes symptoms within a few weeks of taking Herpesyl. According to the official website, after several months, you should no longer have the herpes virus in your system at all.


How Does Herpesyl Affect Your Brain?

Herpesyl works differently from conventional herpes treatments. Most herpes treatment programs involve topical treatments, over-the-counter medication, or prescription medication. These are the FDA-approved, doctor-recommended ways to treat herpes outbreaks.

However, the makers of Herpesyl claim that these treatments are unnecessary: you’re just giving money to big pharmaceutical companies. Instead, they claim Herpesyl targets a process in your brain linked to the herpes virus.

How does Herpesyl impact your brain? What does Herpesyl do to your brain? And how is your brain linked to symptoms of herpes?

According to the makers of Herpesyl and as mentioned in a review in the Globe Newswire, other herpes treatment programs are targeting the wrong areas of your body. They target the virus instead of targeting the brain. Conventional herpes treatments will provide a short-term solution for the virus, but they don’t impact the long-term health of your brain.

By targeting your brain, Herpesyl can purportedly eradicate herpes from your body permanently.

Here’s how the makers of Herpesyl explain the effects on your brain:

“This powerful formula will strengthen the nerve cells, so what your brain can start sending herpes cleanse signals through your entire body.”

In other words, the cause of herpes isn’t the virus itself: it’s your malfunctioning brain that stopped sending herpes cleanse signals throughout your body. Herpesyl effectively claims to rewire your brain, changing the way your brain responds to the herpes virus.

What Does Herpesyl Do?

The makers of Herpesyl claim their formula will eliminate herpes symptoms within a few weeks of use, with complete elimination of the virus within a few months.

To do that, the supplement works through the following steps:

Step 1) Herpesyl provides your body with powerful nutrients. Herpesyl’s formula consists of 26 plants, herbs, vitamins, and minerals. Your body starts to absorb these ingredients, and the ingredients get to work throughout your body. The makers of Herpesyl claim the ingredients will immediately cross the blood-brain barrier to begin impacting your brain. The ingredients will “flush out this virus from your brain and strengthen your immune system.” After rewiring your brain and strengthening your immune system, the ingredients in Herpesyl have effectively eliminated herpes from your system.

Step 2) Your brain starts fighting the herpes virus after getting nourishment. Your body needs nourishment to fight any virus, including the herpes virus. Herpesyl gives your body the nourishment it needs to fight back against the herpes virus. The makers of Herpesyl claim your body absorbs the herbs and plant extracts then continue to send herpes cleansing signals throughout your body.

Step 3) Herpes is cleansed out of your body. Finally, the makers of Herpesyl claim their formula cleanses herpes out of your body. As mentioned above, the sales page for Herpesyl is filled with people who have effectively cured herpes using their formula. Many claim to have zero symptoms of herpes 1 to 1.5 years after using Herpesyl. The makers of Herpesyl claim their formula will cleanse “all traces” of herpes out of your body, effectively curing you of the condition.

Thanks to these three steps, Herpesyl has eliminated herpes in many people, according to the Herpesyl sales page.

What to Expect After Taking Herpesyl

The makers of Herpesyl cannot legally advertise Herpesyl as a cure for herpes. However, the supplement’s sales page is filled with stories of people who appear to have completely cured themselves of herpes after taking Herpesyl for just a few months.

According to the official website, you can expect to enjoy all of the following benefits within weeks of taking Herpesyl for the first time:

Support your Brain’s Ability to Fight the Herpes Virus: Herpesyl claims to work better than other herpes supplements because it works differently. Instead of focusing on the herpes virus, the supplement targets your brain, rewiring your brain to change how it responds to the herpes virus. Using a combination of Asian herb and plant extracts, Herpesyl can purportedly change your brain, allowing you to fight off the herpes virus more effectively – and permanently – than solutions that target the virus itself.

Completely Eliminate the Herpes Virus: According to the Herpesyl sales page, you can “completely eliminate the herpes virus from your system” after taking Herpesyl. Even if you stop a herpes outbreak, the virus lies dormant in your system for weeks or months. However, the makers of Herpesyl claim to counteract this effect using natural ingredients.

Repair Any Damage the Herpes Virus Has Done to Your System: The makers of Herpesyl also claim the supplement will “repair any damage it [herpes] has done to your system.” Some people experience scarring and other problems after multiple bouts of herpes. With Herpesyl, you can purportedly repair all damage linked to the herpes virus.

Eliminate Herpes in Weeks: The makers of Herpesyl claim to have launched a clinical trial where 100% of participants eliminated the herpes virus within weeks of taking the supplement. There were no reported side effects and no future outbreaks. For all intents and purposes, Herpesyl cured herpes in 100% of participants in this clinical trial.

Avoid Cold Sores and Itches: The makers of Herpesyl claim you will no longer experience any herpes symptoms after taking Herpesyl. The supplement claims to stop all cold sores, itches, and related symptoms.

Works on People of Any Age: Herpesyl is marketed to people of all ages with herpes, including people who have struggled with herpes for decades – and someone who was just diagnosed last week. The company claims it doesn’t matter if you’re 20 years old or 80 years old – their formula can purportedly work.

Works on Any Medical Condition: Most supplements don’t claim to work on all medical conditions. However, the makers of Herpesyl claim that their formula will cleanse herpes from your system “no matter your current medical condition.”

Herpesyl Ingredients

Most supplements cannot claim to kill the herpes virus in a matter of weeks. However, the makers of Herpesyl insist their supplement works to cleanse the herpes virus from your body.

How does Herpesyl work? What makes Herpesyl different from other nutritional supplements? Herpesyl uses a blend of ingredients that can purportedly cleanse the herpes virus from your body.


Here are some of the key ingredients in the Herpesyl formula and how they work, according to the official website:

Graviola Extract:

Graviola extract is a type of leaf extract. It’s found in some supplements because it’s rich in antioxidants, which are natural compounds that support healthy inflammation. Antioxidants fight oxidation and inflammation throughout your body. Inflammation is linked to disease. The makers of Herpesyl claim that the Graviola extract in their formula isn’t just an antioxidant: it has “antiviral effects” against the herpes virus. The formula removes herpes from your body by killing it – similar to how antiviral medication might work. Graviola extract is the largest ingredient in Herpesyl because it’s the first listed ingredient in the proprietary blend.

Red Raspberry Fruit:

Herpesyl contains a significant dose of red raspberry fruit extract, a natural formula rich in antioxidants. Raspberries are rich in vitamin C, one of nature’s best and most common antioxidants. Some people take red raspberry fruit extract daily for antioxidants. Because red raspberry fruit is the second listed ingredient in Herpesyl, there’s more red raspberry fruit in Herpesyl than any other ingredient than Graviola extract.

Green Tea Leaf:

Many people drink green tea daily for health benefits. Studies show that green tea extract is rich in antioxidants, including popular antioxidants like EGCG linked to weight loss, disease risk, and more. Green tea leaf is the third listed ingredient in Herpesyl, and it’s possible the green tea leaf in Herpesyl could help support healthy inflammation throughout the body.


Turmeric is one of the most popular natural ingredients for inflammation available today. Many people take turmeric daily for its purported health benefits. Herpesyl appears to contain a moderate dosage of turmeric. Turmeric is rich in curcuminoids like curcumin that can support healthy inflammation.


Herpesyl contains several spices that can purportedly cleanse your body of the herpes virus. In addition to turmeric, other listed spices in Herpesyl include garlic bulb and ginseng extract. These spices have been used for centuries in cooking and traditional medicine, particularly in Asia.

Mushroom Extracts:

Herpesyl contains three types of mushroom extracts, including shiitake, reishi, and maitake mushroom extracts. These three mushroom extracts have been used as adaptogens for centuries in traditional medicine. They could help your body respond to physical and mental stressors. There’s no evidence they can cure herpes, but Herpesyl contains all three types of mushroom extract regardless.

Other Herb Plant Extracts:

Herpesyl contains 20+ herb and plant extracts. Other listed ingredients in Herpesyl include beta-glucan, pine bark, Essiac tea complex, grape seed extract, quercetin, pomegranate, olive leaf, arabinogalactan, cat’s claw bark, and lycopene. Most of these ingredients were picked for their rich levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants support healthy inflammation throughout your body. Many doctors recommend a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to control inflammation. Herpesyl contains ingredients like lycopene, a natural antioxidant found in tomatoes and other red fruits. By giving your body these ingredients, Herpesyl could support healthy inflammation throughout your body.

Vitamins Minerals:

Herpesyl contains small doses of three vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium. Your body needs all three of these ingredients for overall health and wellness. However, none of these three ingredients have been proven to cure herpes.

Other (Inactive) Ingredients:

Herpesyl contains four inactive ingredients in each capsule, including fillers, binders, preservatives, and capsule compounds. Each serving of Herpesyl contains gelatin (to create the capsule) and magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, and microcrystalline cellulose (as fillers, binders, and preservatives).

The Story Behind Herpesyl

Herpesyl is marketed online with a video and sales page featuring Dr. Adrian Kavanagh, the man who claims to have created Herpesyl.

Dr. Kavanagh may be a medical doctor, a naturopathic doctor, or even a PhD in art history. He explains little about his background, his experience, or his knowledge of herpes treatment.

Despite the lack of information, Dr. Kavanagh claims his formula can quickly eliminate herpes from your system. Just take Herpesyl daily for a few weeks, then eliminate the herpes virus and avoid future outbreaks.

Scientific Evidence for Herpesyl

There’s no known cure for herpes. Doctors recommend over-the-counter medications and other solutions to control outbreaks. However, there’s no way to permanently cure yourself of herpes – regardless of what Dr. Kavanagh and the Herpesyl team seem to suggest.

However, some of the ingredients in Herpesyl have been studied for their effects on the herpes virus. None of these studies have shown the ingredients can cure herpes. However, some studies have shown antioxidant-rich plant extracts can support your body’s demesnes against viruses like herpes.

In this 1999 study, for example, researchers tested the effects of Graviola extract against the herpes virus. Researchers exposed the herpes virus to Graviola in a test tube, then observed mild antiviral effects. Graviola extract seemed to kill some aspects of the HSV-2 virus. In 2012, researchers replicated the conditions of this study in a follow-up test, finding once again that Graviola extract could help fight herpes in a lab setting.

Many of the fruits and plants in Herpesyl are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of nature’s best-known and most powerful antioxidants. Herpesyl contains a small dose of vitamin C (33% of your daily value in total). However, by taking a multivitamin with higher levels of vitamin C, you could enjoy powerful benefits for inflammation.

One of the largest ingredients in Herpesyl is green tea extract, a natural extract rich with antioxidants like EGCG. EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) is a natural ingredient rich in antioxidants. Some studies have specifically analyzed the effects of EGCG against the herpes virus. In this 2014 study, researchers applied EGCG to the skin around a herpes outbreak, then found the antioxidant-rich ingredient reduced the number of plaques in HSV-infected cultured cells.

Perhaps the best evidence for Herpesyl is a clinical study performed by the company itself. In that clinical trial, Herpesyl purportedly eliminated herpes in 100% of volunteers within two months. The makers of Herpesyl claim to have conducted a clinical trial on real human beings. They took 50 volunteers with the herpes virus, then gave them Herpesyl. Herpesyl effectively cured 98% of participants within weeks of taking Herpesyl. In follow-up blood tests, participants showed no traces of the HSV-1 or HSV-2 virus. After two months of taking Herpesyl, 100% of participants were herpes free, with lab tests showing no traces of herpes in this system.

Despite what the website says, we cannot find any information on this clinical trial. Based on that we cannot say that the ingredients in Herpesyl have been tested on humans or animals, and there’s no evidence they can permanently cure herpes.

Ultimately, Herpesyl is a blend of antioxidants that could have mild effects on inflammation throughout your body. However, there’s no evidence the ingredients in Herpesyl can cure herpes, stop herpes symptoms, or eliminate the virus from your system in any way.

Herpesyl Pricing: How Much Does Herpesyl Cost?

Herpesyl is priced at $69 per bottle. However, the manufacturer recommends the six-bottle treatment program to ensure you eliminate herpes from your system. If you order the 6 bottle package, the price drops as low as $49 per bottle.

Here’s how pricing breaks down through Herpesyl.com:

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + $9.95 Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $177 + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $294 + Free Shipping

Each bottle contains 60 capsules (30 servings). You take two capsules of Herpesyl daily to eliminate the virus within weeks.


Herpesyl Refunds

Herpesyl is backed by a 60-day refund policy, minus original shipping costs ($9.95 per order) and return shipping costs.

You can request a complete refund on Herpesyl within 60 days of your original purchase date. If you still have herpes within 60 days of taking Herpesyl, or if you’re unsatisfied with the effects of the supplement for any reason, then you are entitled to a complete refund.

Who Made Herpesyl?

Herpesyl was formulated by a man named Dr. Adrian Kavanagh, who presents himself as a medical doctor or naturopathic doctor. There’s limited information online about Dr. Kavanagh, his medical experience, or his training. It’s unclear if Dr. Kavanagh is a board-certified medical doctor or if he presents himself as a doctor for advertising purposes.

Dr. Kavanagh partnered with a Colorado-based supplement company to create Herpesyl. That company partnered with BuyGoods to sell Herpesyl online.

Final Word

Herpesyl is a nutritional supplement that claims to cleanse herpes from your body by rewiring your brain. By taking Herpesyl daily, you can purportedly cleanse herpes from your body and avoid all future symptoms of the herpes virus.

To be clear, there’s no outright direct evidence Herpesyl can permanently cure herpes or impact the herpes virus in any way. However, the makers of Herpesyl claim that many of participants eliminated herpes from their system by using Herpesyl due to its unique combination of ingredients and continual use. Based on science on the ingredients listed in the supplement, it may help the body fight herpes outbreaks, but we cannot say for certain that it will cure it with extreme confidence. However, using ingredients that can help provide more defense and protection along with additional beneficial properties as outlined above can stack the odds back in your favor and give the body more support in the areas it needs it most based on the research the Herpesyl formulators did.

To learn more about Herpesyl or buy the supplement today, visit Herpesyl.com, where all purchases are backed by a 60-day refund policy.

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Herpesyl, an oral supplement, helps to reduce the risk of infection if someone is affected by the herpes virus. The supplement claims it is effective in preventing and treating both HSV1 (the main cause of herpes) and HSV2 (the main culprit).

Herpesyl believes they have made a breakthrough discovery that could change the face of medicine in the treatment of herpes. This supplement is capable of preventing cold sores from arising. The team also claims that the supplement can remove the virus from its root. The timeframe for this action is only a few weeks It is important to mention that herpes viruses can hide in the body once they have been contracted. The virus hides in a protein called ICP 47 and is undetectable by the immune system. It can hide in our bodies for many months and then suddenly attack. It is very difficult to track them within our bodies, no matter how strong your immune system may be.

Must See: Visit the Official Site Herpesyl [Up to 70% Discount Available Here]

Adrian, the researcher behind this supplement, found that the virus can cause a dangerous process inside the brain. This study revealed that genes and the immune system play little role in this process. The survival rate of brain cells, which are the ones that the herpes virus hides, is higher than other cells.

These customer reviews are a testament to the effectiveness of this supplicant. Hepesyl is credited with curing the condition.

We can choose one user’s review in which he claimed that he had undergone numerous blood tests after Herpesyl consumption. However, doctors were unable to detect any trace of the herpes virus. The sales page would have the same stories about how Herpesyl helped all users.

What is Herpesyl?

Herpesyl is a dietary supplement sold through Herpesyl for $70 per bottle.

Herpesyl’s makers describe their product as “the biggest breakthrough in medical history.” They claim to have found a herpes cure.

The team decided to make $70 per pill and patent the cure instead of making billions from pharmaceutical companies. Herpesylallows anyone to buy Herpesyl online, without a prescription, and enjoy quick, easy, and lasting relief from herpes symptoms.

People who claim that Herpesyl has per manently healed their condition are featured on the Herpesyl product sales page.


How Does Herpesyl Work?

Herpesyl’s working process is unique when it comes to herpes treatment. Conventional herpes treatments are topical, prescription, and over-the-counter medications. Experts suggest other ways to manage herpes outbreaks. These conventional herpes treatments are not always effective.

Herpesyl’s creator claims that these treatments are redundant if the medication is taken as directed. Herpesyl would also save one a lot of money, which he/she will give away to many pharmaceutical companies. They claim Herpesyl creates an association between the brain and the herpes virus.

Herpesyl’s maker raises concerns about the treatment method used for conventional herpes. They claim that other treatments target the wrong area of our bodies. Instead of searching for the virus, they create a process within our brain that is linked to it. While conventional treatments can temporarily provide relief, their long-term impact on the brain is negligible. The virus is still present in our bodies.


Ingredients Of Herpesyl

According to a survey, other products take a lot of time to get rid of the herpes virus. Herpesyl’s creator guarantees that the supplement is fast and can eliminate the herpes virus completely from the body.

We will be discussing the core ingredients and working methods of Herpesyl Supplement, as well as their official website.’

Must See: Visit the Official Site of Herpesyl [Available Here]

Graviola Extract

  • Graviola extract is a mixture of different leaves. Because it is rich in antioxidants, you can also get it as a supplement. Antioxidants are compounds found in nature that can trigger healthy inflammation. Antioxidants also help reduce inflammation and oxidation in the body. Inflammation can be a sign of disease and is often a negative sign for the body.
  • The Graviola extract is claimed by Herpesyl manufacturers to not only work as an antioxidant but also has “antiviral effects” that fight the herpes virus. This formula works in a similar way to antiviral medication, which eliminates the herpes virus from the body by dissolving it. Graviola extract is one of the main ingredients. These ingredients were first listed in the proprietary blend.

Red Raspberry fruit

  • This extract is rich in antioxidants. Herpesyl contains a large amount of this extract. Vitamin C is a common and natural antioxidant found in raspberries. People take vitamin C regularly to meet their antioxidant needs. Red raspberry is the second ingredient in Herpesyl, after Graviola extract.
  • Red raspberries are low-calorie but high in vitamins. A few studies have shown that the fruit extract may help reduce the complexity of ageing.

The Green Tea Leaf

  • Green tea has many health benefits and is a popular choice for people who enjoy it. Green tea contains antioxidants, according to research. The high concentration of effective antioxidants such as EGCG makes green tea more powerful. This antioxidant has been associated with weight loss, mental health improvement, and many other benefits.
  • It also contains a bioactive compound that helps to improve brain function and increase metabolism. Herpesyl users can also reap the benefits of its antioxidants, which help to protect them against heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.


  • Turmeric has been proven to be an effective ingredient in fighting inflammation. Turmeric has many health benefits that make it a good choice to be consumed daily. Herpesyl contains a moderate amount of turmeric compared to the other ingredients. This supplement contains turmeric because it is rich in curcuminoids such as curcumin. Curcumins play a significant role in promoting healthy inflammation in the body.
  • Turmeric is also well-known for its ability to reduce inflammation and pain. This is exactly what makes turmeric ideal for fighting the herpes simplex virus. Turmeric is also known to reduce the chance of metastatic carcinoma development.

Herpesyl Dosage and Usage

Herpesyl has been proven safe against the spread of the virus through numerous trials and tests across continents. Their website has many testimonials from customers that support this claim.

According to the manufacturer, one pill should be taken each day after eating a heavy meal. Experts advise against Herpesyl consumption in pregnant or breastfeeding women. To be safe, anyone under the age of 18 should not take this medication. People with severe medical conditions or allergies should consult their doctor before using this supplement.

Scientific Evidence for Herpesyl

Herpes is not curable. Doctors suggest over-the-counter medication and other options to manage outbreaks. There is no permanent cure for herpes, despite what Dr Kavanagh or the Herpesyl team may suggest.

Some of the ingredients in Herpesyl were tested for their effect on the herpes virus. None of these studies has shown that the ingredients can treat herpes. Some studies have shown that antioxidant-rich plant extracts can help your body fight viruses like herpes.

How to Buy Herpesyl?

Herpesyl costs $69 per bottle. The manufacturer suggests a six-bottle treatment plan to eliminate herpes. The price of the 6-bottle package drops to $49 per bottle.

Here are the pricing details for Herpesyl.com

Each capsule contains 60 (30 servings). To eliminate the virus in a matter of weeks, you should take two capsules daily of Herpesyl.

Is Herpesyl protected by a refund policy?

Herpesyl comes with a 60-day guarantee. This policy excludes original shipping costs ($9.95/order) and returns shipping charges.

Within 60 days of the original purchase date, you can ask for a full refund on Herpesyl. You can request a full refund if Herpesyl does not cure your herpes or you are unhappy with the results.

Returns Address 37 Inverness Drive E Ste100 Englewood, CO 81112

Final Thoughts

Herpesyl, a nutritional supplement, claims it can remove herpes from your body. It does this by rewiring the brain. Herpesyl can be taken daily to purportedly eliminate herpes and prevent future outbreaks.

Herpesyl does not have any proven ability to permanently cure herpes. Herpesyl’s makers claim that Herpesyl helped many people eliminate the herpes virus from their systems due to its unique combination and continued use. The supplement may be able to help with herpes outbreaks based on scientific evidence. However, we are unable to say if it can cure them. Based on research by Herpesyl formulators, however, ingredients that provide additional protection and benefits can help stack the odds in your favour. This can give your body more support in areas where it is most needed.

Visit The Official Website Here to Place Your Order!


Herpesyl Reviews (Scam or Legit?) Is It Worth the Money to Buy?


What is Herpesyl?

Very few diseases and medical conditions have the same stigma that herpes has today. It is seen as an unclean disease, brought on by unclean habits. However, as more information is understood about the condition, researchers are slowly learning what they can do to manage outbreaks safely and effectively. Two doctors – Dr. Adrian Kavanagh and Dr. Peterson – combined forces to develop a solution – Herpesyl.

Herpesyl focuses entirely on curing the virus that causes herpes outbreaks, despite research from the medical community that claims it not to be possible.


How Does Herpesyl Help?

The creation of Herpesyl comes after four years of research by the creator and Dr. Peterson. However, as mentioned in this Globe Newswire Review, they ultimately found that 26 different ingredients in the right balance were the key. Many of these ingredients are concealed by a proprietary blend, making it difficult to determine the right balance. With these massive promises, it is understandable that the creators want to keep their incredible recipe under control, but there are a few details shown.

Herpesyl’s full list isn’t available, but the website shows just a few ingredients involved, including:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Selenium
  • Graviola leaf
  • Shitake mushroom
  • Burdock root
  • Red raspberry
  • Turmeric
  • Grapeseed
  • Quercetin seeds
  • Pomegranate

As the user takes this formula, their body first starts to absorb the nutrients as it is meant to. Then, it can use those nutrients to start nourishing the brain to heal. The creators theorize that the brain is responsible for eradicating herpes from the body, which is why these ingredients have to keep the neurons strong. They also start to clean up the communication between the brain and the rest of the body.

The cleansing of herpes from the body happens at a rapid pace, which is due to the many ingredients involved in the process. Read on below to learn a little more about each one.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is used in almost every single bodily tissue, helping to develop and repair it as needed. It is also a catalyst for the production of collagen, although it also helps the immune system to function properly and promotes better healing of wounds. It makes the absorption of iron significantly easier.

Vitamin E

Vitamin eve is necessary to the functioning of different organs, providing the body with antioxidants that can help with the user’s vision and brain health. It can also support the body as it heals from wounds, and it can reduce itching.


Selenium is another antioxidant, and it supports the health of the immune system. The immune system needs to be strong enough to fight back against the herpes virus, which is why this ingredient reduces inflammation as well. By having enough selenium in the body, users typically are able to remain healthier.

Graviola leaf

Graviola leaves are incredibly important to this remedy, helping users to treat infections that are brought on by parasites and bacteria. There is some evidence that it can specifically fight the herpes virus, even though there is some concern in the medical community regarding the safety of this nutrient.

Shitake mushroom

Shiitake mushrooms have an antiviral effect on the body. Considering herpes is a viral infection, it makes sense that the creators have included such an ingredient. The purpose of this mushroom is to help users prevent cell damage that could easily mean the difference between an outbreak and a cure.

Burdock root

Burdock root is another source of antioxidants in this formula, reducing inflammation and acting as a diuretic for the body. Sometimes, users will add burdock root to their diet as an aphrodisiac, though it is primarily used to promote purification in the blood.

Red raspberry

Raspberries are high in fiber, though they do not provide the user with many calories. With the antioxidants that they provide, researchers believe that they have an anti-aging effect, and can reduce the risk of arthritis or diabetes.


Turmeric is well known for the way that it reduces inflammation in the joints and digestive system. Often, it is included in its own supplement for the powerful effect that it has, and it is one of the most popular ingredients in the supplement industry.


The extract that comes from grape seeds provides users with another source of antioxidants, using it to promote better circulation and reduce high cholesterol levels. It can reduce swelling in some cases, though it can also be used as a treatment for eye disease.

Quercetin seeds

Quercetin seeds are also antioxidants, helping users to reduce inflammation and potentially kill off cells that are related to cancer. It can control high blood sugar, though there is plenty of evidence to show that it can also prevent heart disease.


The final ingredient in this formula is pomegranates, and it provides the user with vitamin C and antioxidants that can easily reduce inflammation that is associated commonly with an outbreak. Some studies suggest that it can prevent cancer and can protect the brain from eventually developing Alzheimer’s disease. It supports healthy digestion, and it can protect the user from developing arthritis or heart disease.


Purchasing Herpesyl

Even though the Herpesyl remedy is incredibly helpful to consumers, there is only one way to purchase it – from the official website. The company has not authorized any other sellers to distribute their product, so shopping their website is the only way to ensure that users get the product they are trying to use.

Luckily, there are many packages available for individuals who are not sure what to expect. The packages include:

  • 1 bottle Herpesyl for $69
  • 3 bottles Herpesyl for $177
  • 6 bottles Herpesyl $294

If the user finds that this formula is not the right option to eliminate the virus from their immune system, they can request a refund from the customer service team.


Frequently Asked Questions About Herpesyl

For whom will Herpesyl work?

Essentially, this formula is designed to work for everyone. It goes to work on the root cause of the outbreaks with a proprietary blend that challenges the victory that the virus has had over the neurons. Is comprised of 26 ingredients in Herpesyl that can destroy any herpes virus.

Is it safe to take this formula if the user currently is taking other supplements or medications?

This product is designed to work for individuals of any age or medical issue. If the user is currently taking prescribed medication, they may want to speak with a medical professional to ensure that this formula will not interact poorly with it.

Since all of the proprietary ingredients are natural and high quality, there should be no interaction. So far, no side effects have been reported while using Herpesyl.

Who is the Herpesyl formula meant to help?

The blend works for men and women alike, and it is specifically used to assist individuals who deal with herpes outbreaks as the result of either the HSV-1 or HSV-2 virus strains.

How long will it take before the user experiences relief from herpes while taking Herpesyl?

Every person is different. However, the healing begins from the moment that the user first takes the supplement. There is no specific amount of time that users will have to wait to experience the healing.

To reach someone from the customer service team with other questions.


Herpesyl provides users with a way to stop suffering from the pain and embarrassment of herpes without having to spend another cent on topical products that simply do not make a difference for the user. The formula is meant to entirely cure the virus, rather than simply dealing with a small outbreak at a time. The formula is easy to take each day, condensing all 26 ingredients into a single capsule with each serving. While there is limited information offered, users can see the results for themselves by ordering a bottle today while it is still available.

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Herpesyl Reviews – Scam Brand or Effective Supplement Ingredients?Worth the Money to Buy?

Herpesyl is an all-natural supplement designed to combat the herpes virus and to prevent future outbreaks. The ingredients listed on the website say that the supplement blend is a combination of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts clinically studied and proven to have powerful antiviral effects – particularly on the herpes virus.

What is Herpesyl?

Herpes is an unfortunate condition that is often embarrassing for most people who have it. There’s an unnecessary stigma attached to it, and for many people, it’s a daily struggle dealing with herpes.

Thankfully, solutions to manage like Herpesyl do exist, and although most require a doctor’s prescription – this new natural supplement that effectively fights off herpes and prevents future outbreaks does not.

What Herpesyl really does is provide your body with anti-inflammatory and anti-viral plant compounds that help support your body’s ability to fight the virus. Herpesyl is not like a prescription antiviral drug to treat herpes. It does not require a prescription, nor does it use chemical compounds to fight herpes. However, Herpesyl claims to be more effective than these prescription drugs.

The reason for this claim is that the official website claims that the herpes virus can hide under the “ICP-47 protein,” rendering it undetectable to the immune system. It claims this is why so many antivirals and antibiotics commonly prescribed to treat herpes fail to destroy it. However, Herpesyl claims to boost the immune system to find this protein and destroy the herpes virus attached to it.

How Does Herpesyl Work?

According to the official website, Herpesyl works to eliminate the herpes virus in a three-step process. This three-step process not only destroys and eliminates the herpes virus but also prevents future outbreaks as well.

Step 1 – The nutrient absorption process

As soon as you begin taking Herpesyl, your body begins to absorb the powerful herbal extracts in each capsule. These 26 vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts have been chosen from all over the world, and they are essential for doing two main things.

First, these ingredients flush out the virus from your brain and strengthen your immune system so you can effectively fight the virus and get it out of your body. Second, these ingredients aim to destroy every trace of herpes from the body.

Step 2- The healing process of your brain begins

The next step is to begin the healing process of your brain. For your brain to be able to destroy herpes out of your body, your neural pathways need to be strong and your immune system high. This is why the powerful immune system vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium have been added.

Step 3- Herpes is flushed out of your body.

Once the healing process has begun, your brain signals to your immune system to flush the herpes virus out of the body. The potent herbal extracts in Herpesyl act as powerful antiviral agents that target and eliminate any herpes virus cells that are remaining in your body. It quickly kills them and flushes them out of your body to prevent outbreaks and effectively stop replicating the virus in the future.

Ingredients in Herpesyl

There are 26 ingredients in Herpesyl, each with a specific job to kill the herpes virus and strengthen the immune system. This formula was developed after hundreds of other formulas were either ineffective, too weak, or not safe. This is why Herpesyl is the only safe and effective supplement to fight the herpes virus.

Best of all, all of the ingredients in Herpesyl are in a natural formula – IE., a vitamin, mineral, or herbal extract. Some of the ingredients in Herpesyl include:

Selenium: Selenium is a trace mineral and a co-factor of an antioxidant known as glutathione, meaning selenium is needed to activate the antioxidant properties of glutathione. Studies have shown that glutathione has powerful anti-viral properties and that selenium can help activate these antiviral effects.

Shiitake: Researchers in Wisconsin have found that shiitake mushrooms can cripple viruses and prevent their spread. One large study found that taking shiitake mushrooms could effectively stop the herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 from growing.

Burdock root: Burdock root contains many powerful antioxidants like quercetin, luteolin, and phenolic acids. All of these antioxidants support the immune system and help your body fight infection.

Red raspberry extract: Red raspberries are known for their powerful antioxidant capabilities and their ability to provide anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects. Red raspberry will turbocharge your immune system and help fight infections.

Turmeric: Turmeric is perhaps the best known anti-inflammatory compound. Backed by hundreds of studies, turmeric has extreme anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects on the body.

Grape seed extract: Grape seed extract is a lesser-known anti-viral agent, although it can provide a large anti-inflammatory response to viral bacterial infections. It also has natural anti-microbial and anti-carcinogenic effects. These properties may help you itch less and relieve pain.

Quercetin: Some studies suggest that quercetin can inhibit the activity of viruses, including the herpes virus. It may block the HSV virus from replicating and weaken the virus – making it easier to destroy and eliminate from your body.

Pomegranate seed extract: Finally, pomegranate has been clinically studied and proven to have antibacterial and antiviral effects on the body.

These eight ingredients are the main ingredients that make Herpesyl such a powerful supplement. Together, they work with the other 18 ingredients in Herpesyl to deliver unparalleled results unlike any other supplement of this kind.

Can Herpesyl Really Work?

Over the last few years, researchers have learned much more about the herpes virus. It’s become clear that while the virus is a real problem for many people – it does not have to be a lifelong problem that it was once to be.

Herpesyl used much of this research to formulate itself with the most powerful ingredients known to fight and destroy the virus. These ingredients are clinically studied and proven to fight off viral infections – including the herpes virus.

Yes, Herpesyl can deliver real, noticeable results to adults that suffer from Herpes to answer the original question. If you are someone who has frequent outbreaks or itches constantly, and you’re ready to get rid of these issues, then you absolutely need to try Herpesyl.

Is Herpesyl Safe? Are There Any Side Effects?

Herpesyl was truly developed with both safety and effectiveness in mind. This is why Herpesyl is often preferred amongst adults with herpes – because unlike herpes drug
