How to Engage with Infants to Capture Authentic Memories

The tiny giggles during a messy bath time, the tiny fingers reaching for you, the mess of toys scattered across the floor – it’s all part of this beautiful, chaotic season of motherhood. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect. The imperfect moments are often the most precious.

Here’s the best thing about these moments – we can capture them, preserve them, and relive them through photographs.

As a professional infant photographer, I often come across new moms who often talk about how to capture the perfect moments with their babies. So, today, we will talk about how to engage with your little one to create those authentic memories.

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How to Engage with Infants to Capture Authentic Memories - Meghan Goering Photography

How to Engage with Infants to Capture Authentic Memories - Meghan Goering Photography

The tiny giggles during a messy bath time, the tiny fingers reaching for you, the mess of toys scattered across the floor – it’s all part of this beautiful, chaotic season of motherhood. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect. The